History 2420-2
October 2005

Anti-Catholicism in America

Anti-Catholicism and Nativism in the Jacksonian Era


  Heritage of anti-Catholic prejudice among American Protestants:


  Pope’s Day celebrations & Quebec Act fears in New England.


  Association of Catholicism with superstition, corruption, mindless obedience to authority, European monarchy. Belief that Catholics were unfit for self-government.


  After War of 1812, immigration from Germany and Ireland picked up, and the immigrants, once mostly Protestants, became increasingly Catholic. 


  By 1830s, increased Catholic population led to an expanded and more assertive Catholic Church, esp. in Midwest, aided by missionary groups (Leopold Assoc.).


  Bitter resistance to Catholic expansion by evangelical Protestants, with wild CTs:


  Samuel F.B. Morse, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States (1834), Lyman Beecher, A Plea for the West  (1835): Catholic Church seen as conspiring to destroy American republicanism on behalf of European monarchy. Cartoon on this theme.


  Anti-Catholicism openly joined with nativism (opposition to immigration.) First nativist parties such as the Native American Democratic Association.


  CTs & rumors about convents: girls held against will, turned into sex slaves of priests. Burning of Mt. Benedict convent & school in Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 1834.


  The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk (1836): Best-seller that told “true” story of sex & baby-killing in Montreal’s Hotel Dieu convent by an alleged escapee.  Widely believed despite independent investigation &  author’s mental illness.  


In 1840s, Catholic Church fought with state & city governments over Bible reading & school funding and with congregations over church property.

Immigration & the Rise of Political Nativism

Impact of the Irish Potato Famine of 1846  (actually 1845-50)


Failure of potato crop in Ireland and Germany.  Starvation and cheaper passages led to huge wave of immigrants, poorer & more Catholic than ever.  Germans went to Midwest (cities & farms), while Irish stayed in port cities, especially Boston & NY.


1845-1854 was proportionally the biggest decade of immigration ever: 2.9 million people, almost all Irish & German Catholic. 


Figures: 14% of 1845 pop., more than all previous U.S. history put together.

CT into Conspiracy: The Nativist Secret Societies


Great fear was that immigrants would vote en masse & take power, so Protestants conspired to stop it, organizing secret societies like the Order of United Americans. Election violence and corruption blamed on Catholic immigrants.


  Nativism became huge factor in national politics in early 1850s, as Whig party was falling apart due to slavery and temperance issues.


  Old Catholic controversies revived, plus Catholics showed signs of political power, and a papal nuncio, G. Bedini (“Butcher of Bologna”), visited the United States.


  Order of the Star-Spangled Banner organized, set up like Masons but secret, with members sworn to support no  foreigners or Catholics in elections.


  OSSB became the “Know-Nothing” party & wiped out the Whigs by surprise in 1854 elections, controlling some state governments & sending members to Congress.


  K-Ns absorbed themselves by the Republicans themselves by 1856. Antimasons + Know-Nothings + Antislavery Whigs & Dems = Republican Party.