History 2420-2
October 2005
The Jewish World Conspiracy Myth
Origins of Antisemitism
In competition with
Judaism, early Christian leaders blamed Jews as a group for the murder of
Jesus & labelled them sons of Satan, followers of the Anti-Christ.
European Catholics taught
that Jews were Christ-killers. In medieval times, stories spread that Jews
ritually murdered Christian children, worshipped the devil, used black
magic, & actively sought to destroy Christianity.
One of few groups spread
throughout world, with links among Jewish communities, but no home country.
Barred from most trades
& limited in where they could live, Jews lived together in urban
neighborhoods & took up
Christian-despised occupations (moneylending, shopkeeping).
Many became entrepreneurs & some got rich.
In self-fulfilling
fashion, Jews got reputation as wealthy, greedy “Shylocks,” con men,
cutthroat businessmen who exploited non-Jews & had no loyalty except $.
bankers” as Antisemitic code word, based on Rothschild family.
Because their communities
were clustered in major cities and capitals, Jews were often thought to have
great behind-the-scenes political influence (even in countries that allowed
Jews no rights!).
The Transformation of Antisemitism in the
Added to other myths was
the Jewish World Conspiracy, idea that a secret Jewish government existed
controlling banks, press, etc., & planned world domination.
European conspiracy theorists linked
Jews to Illuminati & Masonic conspiracies.
Jews blamed by those who
hated 19th-century economic & social changes
Jews gained rights from political
liberalization & so held responsible for revolutions.
reputation as financiers & entrepreneurs made it easy to blame Jews
for hardships brought by industrialization, including poverty &
economic crashes.
antisemitism: Aristocrats, monarchs, & right-wing often blamed Jews to
keep masses on their side.
Ultra-nationalists attacked them as foreign influence.
The rise of the
“pogrom”: organized mob attacks on or massacres of Jews, typically
condoned, encouraged, or fomented by governments.
100,000s displaced or killed in
Russia after assassination of tsar in 1881, failed revolution in 1905,
during civil war following the Russian Revolution of 1917.
led to emigration of Russian Jews to US.
of the Jewish conspiracy: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Claimed to be minutes of
a meeting in which Jewish leaders plan world conquest.
Based on an 1868 novel
& miscellaneous other materials, pasted together by Russian secret
service agents in the 1890s.
Published in Russia,
Germany, & throughout the world, early 1900s on, justifying pogroms,
expulsion, restrictions on Jewish rights, & the Nazi Holocaust.
Antisemitism in America
Always existed but never
bad until large-scale Jewish immigration after 1890.
Jews harshly treated by
Catholic immigrant groups, especially Irish cops.
Picked up on rhetorically
by rural radical movements such as the Populists.
Composed of farmers who
felt abused by capitalist system, especially banks & railroads.
Hurt by arid lands and low farm prices. Jews as symbols of
international financial interests.
issue was the “Crime of ‘73,” government’s decision to stop making
silver coins and return to the gold standard to hold down credit &
Came to be partly
blamed on a “gold conspiracy” involving Jewish bankers.
Farmers became
convinced that silver coinage would expand credit & raise farm
Silver became main issue
in 1896 campaign. “Cross of Gold” speech, most famous statement of
Democratic/Populist candidate Bryan, had antisemitic overtones.
WASP elite discovered
a “Jewish problem” in early 20th century.
Fears that Jews were too
intelligent, cunning, hard-working, ambitious, to the point that WASPs could
not compete.
Muckrakers warned of
the dangers of the “Jewish
“Blackballing” of
wealthy Jews from elite clubs & neighborhoods.
against Jews in universities & professions.
In 1920s, Henry Ford
owned Dearborn Independent, newspaper that published the
“Protocols” & more. Then Ford wrote The International Jew,
blaming Jewish conspiracy for declining morals of youth. Ford & his book
became a favorite of Hitler & Nazis.
Economic hardship and
antisemitism: Father Charles Coughlin among working-class Catholics
during Great Depression, Nation of Islam among blacks.
In 1930s & 40s, US gov. & press ignored evidence of Holocaust
& some Americans and Europeans today claim that it was all hoax
organized by the Jewish World Conspiracy