Kennedy Assassination (one of the relatively few web sites supporting the "lone
gunman" theory; many useful articles, videos, images, charts &
documents -- explore 2-3 topics of your choice)
Politics of the JFK Conspiracy Theories
Right reactions: Revilo P. Oliver, "Marksmanship
in Dallas" -- this is also excerpted in the Davis reserve
reading assignment
Assassination CT web sites (peruse a few
or use as resources; not required)
Academic JFK Assassination Site -- rich source of
primary documents, especially on the reactions to and evolving theories
about the assassination; this is where many of the links above come from
Assassination Web (from
the Coalition on Political Assassinations [COPA]; filled with excruciatingly
detailed attacks on Posner's Case Closed)
Shot JFK (satire of JFK conspiracy theories -- highly recommended!)