There will be a review session in Ellis Auditorium on Friday afternoon, 5/7, beginning at 3:30pm. You may also ask questions by posting to the bulletin board. That's also where the links to the PowerPoint presentations will be posted. Check this page later for any changes, and check the website on Thursday afternoon for the actual text of the cumulative Civil War question that will be on the final.
Jefferson, Thomas
Adams, John
Hamilton, Alexander
Madison, James
Washington, George
Burr, Aaron
Paine, Thomas
Declaration of Independence (as an example of the "right of revolution")
Hamilton's financial program:
"funding" & "assumption" (national debt)
Bank of United States
excise tax
Report on Manufactures
Jefferson vs. Hamilton:
visions of future
views of proper role & style of government, use of force
interpretations of Constitution
views on foreign policy & manufacturing
"commercial discrimination"
first parties: Federalists and (Democratic) Republicans
political parties: Founders' attitudes toward, rise of
Compromise of 1790
French Revolution, impact on U.S.
Whiskey Rebellion
XYZ Affair
Direct Tax
Lyon, Matthew
"compact theory"
Fries Rebellion
Burr, Aaron
Election of 1800
Jefferson's "experiment" (see Jefferson's First Inaugural Address)
"peaceable coercion"
Jefferson's foreign policy
Haitian Revolution (Saint Domingue)
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis & Clark expedition
Indian Removal
Northern Confederacy
Napoleon Bonaparte
War of 1812
Harrison, William Henry
Battle of Tippecanoe
Jackson, Andrew
Red Sticks
Battle of New Orleans
impact of on slavery, Indians, political parties
Hartford Convention
Boston Associates
Adams, John Quincy
Transcontinental Treaty
"Great Migration" (1815-19)
westward expansion, patterns of (expansion of section cultures)
Indian removal
"Era of Good Feelings"
Monroe, James
Clay, Henry
Calhoun, John C.
Panic of 1819
Missouri Compromise
suffrage (voting rights), changes in
Van Buren, Martin
Albany Regency
Jackson-era parties: Democrats and Whigs
tariff issue
Election of 1828
Nullification Crisis: concept & process of "nullification," South Carolina Exposition and Protest, Force Bill
Election of 1840
rise of cotton growing & the expansion of slavery
slave trade: end of international, rise of internal
Industrial Revolution
immigration (Irish Catholics)
Transportation Revolution
Erie Canal
evangelicalism (Charles G. Finney)
"Benevolent Empire" (moral reform movements)
middle class
"cult of domesticity"
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
African Methodist Episcopal Church
American Colonization Society
Vesey, Denmark
proslavery argument
Turner, Nat
Virginia slavery debate
Abolitionism: change from gradualism and colonizationism to "immediatism"
Garrison, William Lloyd
“moral suasion”
anti-abolitionist riots
southern culture: violence, "honor," duelling, Cavalier myth
Lovejoy, Elijah P.
Douglass, Frederick
"sectional imperialism"
Texas annexation issue
Oregon issue
Polk, James K.
Election of 1844
Mexican War
Wilmot Proviso
"free soil"
"popular sovereignty"
Free Soil Party
Taylor, Zachary
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Act
doughfaces: Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan
Ostend Manifesto
Walker, William ("filibustering")
Last updated 05/06/2004 01:51:02 AM