Thomas Hart Benton (1782-1858)


near Hillsboro, N.C.


Congressional Service Senate 1821-51 (R, D-Missouri)

House 1853-55 (D-Missouri)


St. Louis Enquirer, 1818-21 

Federal appointments

Lt. Col., U.S. Infantry, 1813-15

Other offices

Tennessee state senate, 1809-1811


Attended present University of North Carolina and College of William and Mary law department 
Military aide, then deadly enemy, then vociferous supporter of Andrew Jackson
One of Missouri's first two U.S. senators 
Defeated for reelection to Senate in 1850 and to House in 1854
Ran for Missouri governor in 1856 and lost
One of the Jacksonian era's most prominent Democratic politicians: see Benton's BDUSC bibliography for more
Biography and links from Benton County, Washington
Thomas Hart (yes, there's a web site for everything)
Benton's Remarks to the Senate on the "Expunging Resolution" (part of Benton's crusade to "expunge" an earlier censure of President Jackson) 
Benton's Grave

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