Theodore Dwight (1764-1846)


Northhampton, Mass.


Lawyer, author, editor
Congressional Service House 1806-1807 (F-Conn.)


Hartford Connecticut Courant, ca. 1790s-1800s (F), contributor
Hartford Connecticut Mirror, ca. 1809-1815 (F)  
Albany Daily Advertiser, 1815-17
New York Daily Advertiser, 1817- 35

Federal appointments

none found

Other offices

Conn. Council, 1808-1815


Yale graduate
Secretary of the Hartford Convention
A leading "Connecticut Wit"
Author of numerous political orations, poems, and pamphlets as well as two books posthumously vindicating the Federalists: History of the Hartford Convention (1833) and The Character of Thomas Jefferson, as Exhibited in His Own Writings (1839)
Brother of Yale president and fellow "Wit" Timothy Dwight
Cousin of Aaron Burr

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