John Canfield Spencer (1788-1855)


Hudson, N.Y.


Congressional Service House (R-New York), 1817-19


Reputed editor and backer of:
Canandaigua Ontario Freeman, ca. 1806 (R)
Canandaigua Ontario Messenger, 1812-ca. 1820s (R, NR?)

Federal appointments

Judge Advocate General, 1813 (federal or state unclear) 
Postmaster of Canandaigua, ca. 1814
Secretary of War, 1841-43
Secretary of the Treasury, 1843-44
Nominated to Supreme Court by Pres. Tyler, 1844, rejected by Senate

Other offices

Secretary to N.Y. Governor Daniel D. Tompkins, 1807
Asst. attorney general for western N.Y., 1815
State assembly, 1820-22, 31-33
State senate, 1825-28
Special attorney general to prosecute the alleged kidnappers of William Morgan
N.Y. secretary of state, 1839


Son of congressman, state attorney general and state supreme court justice Ambrose Spencer
Graduate of Union College, Schenectady, 1806
Elected to Congress during Compensation Act backlash year of 1816
Interviewed by Alexis de Tocqueville made some contradictory comments regarding the political influence of the press
Edited English-language editions of Democracy in America beginning in 1838

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